Les couleurs NYC based organization for Haiti’s children www.lescouleursnyc.org
Jwah French organization for underprivileged children www.jwah.fr
East Coast Contemporary Ensemble (ECCE) www.eccensemble.com
Metro Chamber Orchestra themetrochamberorchestra.org
Mathilde Calderini, Flutist www.mathildecalderini.com/en
Addi & Jacq, Voice and harp www.addiandjacq.com
Aurele Marthan, Pianist aurelemarthan.com
Brian Hatton, Photographer brianhattonphoto.com
Land Thai www.landthaikitchen.com
Kuro Kuma my favorite latte www.facebook.com/pages/Kuro-Kuma-Espresso
Magnolia Bakery www.magnoliabakery.com
Shalel Lounge http://www.yelp.com/shalellounge
Frick Collection http://www.frick.org
When I need my Monet’s Moma www.moma.org
Met Museum www.metmuseum.org
Orangerie, Paris www.musee-orangerie.fr
When I am in Paris La Patisserie des Reves Heaven on Earth patisseriedesreves.com
Herme The macaron’s Perfection herme.com
Le Voltaire Le Voltaire, 27 quai Voltaire (7th); +33-1-42-61-17-49
Le 16 Tholoze https://www.facebook.com/Le16Tholoze
Restaurant Tentazioni fr-fr.facebook.com/Restaurant.Tentazioni
Le Carmen, former Bizet’s house